Alianza por el Hidrógeno de Costa Rica

National innovations

National Green Hydrogen Strategy of Costa Rica

On behalf of the Hydrogen Alliance, we celebrate the publication of Costa Rica’s National Hydrogen Strategy by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) of the Government of Costa Rica.

This effort has been made possible thanks to the support of the Energy Division team of the Inter-American Development Bank.

We summarize this document with the country’s long-term vision as the foundation of the strategy:

‘Costa Rica produces green hydrogen competitively, leveraging its renewable energy sources, contributing to the decarbonization of the country’s transportation and industry sectors, achieving energy independence, fostering economic growth, and positioning itself as a regional hub for knowledge and technology.’

We continue to progress in the development of these technologies towards the decarbonization of Costa Rica’s economy.

More information available at this link (spanish).



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